Passports to Success

Assuring Positive Educational Experiences
For Children in Out-of-home Care

Module 6: Page 4 of 9

Transportation arrangements

So Corey can keep attending Prairie View. But how does he get there and back from his new home?

Transportation would need to be worked out between the schools and the county agency. There are some circumstances where the school districts are responsible; otherwise the county agency has the responsibility. Under the Fostering Connections Act, Congress authorized reasonable payments for transportation costs incurred to maintain children in their own schools.

More options to ensure educational stability become available when the systems collaborate. For example, returning to Corey’s situation:

  • If the Martins could transport Corey to and from school, but needed to drop him off a little early or pick him up a little late because of schedule conflicts, Prairie View staff could arrange for Corey to work in the library on his video projects during those extended time-periods.
  • An adult who works at Prairie View might be identified to drive Corey. This person, like the Martins, would be eligible to receive reimbursement for transportation costs.
  • There may be opportunities to use some or all of Prairie View’s existing transportation system: the Martins might drop Corey off and pick him up at an existing school bus stop, and the school would then take responsibility for transporting him from that point to and from school.
  • Inter-district cooperation for providing transportation might also be appropriate in some instances.

You can learn more about transportation responsibilities and opportunities in Educational Services for Children Placed in Foster Care .


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