Passports to Success

Assuring Positive Educational Experiences
For Children in Out-of-home Care

Module 6: Page 5 of 9

Does getting Corey to Prairie View take care of all of his extra needs?

Although transportation is key to keeping children in their own schools when out-of-home placement takes them out of their school district, all of the other challenges children in out-of-home care face still remain. It is also important to routinely consider the following:

  • Does Corey need new school supplies? In emergency removals, children’s school supplies might be left behind.
  • Did the removal and placement disrupt a school assignment, and does Corey need an extended deadline or other assistance to complete it?

    Below, one former out-of-home care student shares her experience of how changing foster homes disrupted her schoolwork.



"Got a zero"


“I remember in my sophomore year I had to change foster homes in the middle of the night and there was homework due the next day and I didn’t grab it as I was leaving and I got a zero on the whole term cuz of it.”

  • Is Corey worried that the other children at Prairie View might find out he is in out-of-home care?  If so, Ms. Fletcher, the Martins and Jeanne Carter can work together to ensure Corey’s privacy.
  • Remember that the Martins and Jeanne still need the standard school information given to parents (Corey isn’t new to Prairie View, but they may be).


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